In the development of large data, the results of the financial reform are also remarkable. The establishment of Financial Sharing Center has been transformed into three major financial organizations, which are mainly Strategic Finance, business finance and shared finance, resulting in great changes in the financial sector. On the way of financial reform, there are some beneficial explorations, such as travel system, simplifying the process of travel reimbursement, and bringing great convenience to employees and companies. I believe that electronic invoice is not strange in recent years. The importance of electronic invoice to finance is self-evident. It can help finance move towards the future, and may make the reimbursement of enterprises more and more convenient in the future. The cost of reimbursement for employees only needs to enter the reimbursement information in the system, and the accounting records can be automatically generated. The efficiency of the enterprise is greatly improved and the cost is reduced.
近20年来,会计有四次重大变革。第一次变革,实行会计电算化,这次变革让会计工作变得轻松,会计人员被极大精简;第二次变革,统一分行业的会计制度,会计语言得到了统一;第三次变革,财务共享服务,互联网引入到财务,财务可以跨时空、跨地域地处理全球业务。第四次变革则有可能引入人工智能,未来有无可能实现会计做账全智能化呢?从技术上来看,完全可行。我们把定好的规则输入到计算机中,后续系统将按照设定好的规则把所有的账务处理好。 现在移动办公平台与财务软件对接已不存在障碍,只待二次开发后,移动办公平台的审批就能自动生成会计凭证了。从这个角度看,传统核算会计在大企业终将式微。
In the past 20 years, there have been four major changes in accounting. The first change, the implementation of computerized accounting, the accounting change make work easier, accounting personnel is greatly reduced; the second revolution, the unified industry accounting system, the accounting language has been unified; the third revolution, financial shared services, the Internet into the financial, financial can cross time, cross regional processing global business. The fourth revolution is likely to introduce artificial intelligence, there is no possible future accounting to account all intelligent? Technically, it's completely feasible. We put the fixed rules into the computer, and the follow-up system will handle all the accounts in accordance with the set rules. Now the mobile office platform docking and financial software has no obstacle, two times for development, mobile office platform will automatically generate the accounting documents for approval. From this point of view, traditional accounting in large enterprises will eventually decline.