





Annual vehicle inspection steps
In the first step, the owner needs to issue a notice of entrusted inspection at the original registered vehicle administration and agree to entrust the municipal vehicle administration to carry out the annual inspection of the vehicle.盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门
The second step is for the owner to inquire the information at Xi'an vehicle management office. According to the normal procedure, after the owner has gone through the formalities for the annual examination of entrusted vehicles in different places in the original registered vehicle administration, the original registered vehicle administration will issue a paper power of attorney to the applicant and send the notice of online entrusted vehicle annual inspection to the entrusting party's vehicle administration. After the owner inquires the relevant vehicle entrusted annual inspection information at the vehicle management office, he can handle the normal remote vehicle inspection.
The third step is to send the vehicle for inspection. After the annual inspection procedures of the entrusted vehicle are completed, the owner drives the vehicle to the vehicle inspection hall next to the vehicle management office for on-line inspection.
Step 4: print the annual inspection certificate. After passing the vehicle inspection, go to the office hall of Xi'an vehicle management office with the vehicle inspection report and print the inspection qualification mark.
Step 5: send the online information back to the original registered vehicle management office. After the annual inspection of vehicles is completed, the annual inspection information of vehicles will be transmitted back to the vehicle administration office of the original registration place through the network. The next year's vehicle review will be handled in the same process.


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  2. 电话:18132381361
  3. 手机:18132381361
  4. 联系人:袁女士
  5. 地址:阳光大街与天鹅路交叉口莲池区国税局对面

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