





After receiving the business license, the company is not fully registered. It also needs to open the bank and seal the chapter. Today, we share with you the knowledge sharing about the stamp. Generally we commonly used the chapter is five, respectively, the invoice chapter, the official seal, the legal person chapter, the financial chapter, the contract chapter, then what are these chapters to do separately? Below for each of the specific analysis of the bar.
First, the special invoice chapter
The special stamp of the invoice means the seal engraved by the invoice unit and the individual according to the regulations of the tax authorities. The stamp contains the name of the company unit, the special stamp of the invoice, the tax registration number, and the stamp that is added when the invoice is bought or made up.
Two, the official seal
公司公章是公司处理内外部事务的印鉴,公司对外的正式信函、文件、报告等都需要用到公章,盖了公章的文件具有法律效力。公章由公司的法聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 定代表人执掌,法定代表人如果把法定代表人章与公章一同使用就代表公司行为。而且公司有了公章,合同章其实不刻也没有关系。
The company's official seal is the seal of the company dealing with internal and external affairs. The official letter, document, report, etc. of the company all need to use the official seal, and the document covering the official seal has the legal effect. The official seal is controlled by the legal representative of the company. If the legal representative uses the legal representative's chapter and official seal together, it represents the company's behavior. And the company has the official seal, and the contract contract is not relevant.


  1. 公司名称:河北日臻财务
  2. 电话:18132381361
  3. 手机:18132381361
  4. 联系人:袁女士
  5. 地址:阳光大街与天鹅路交叉口莲池区国税局对面

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