异地年检 |
添加时间:2020/1/17 16:46:26 浏览次数:14 |
异地年检是指车主在A市购车并在A市落户上牌,但车辆使用多在B市,这样造成了异地用车。汽车每隔几年需要进行年检,如果把车开回A市年检非常麻烦,这就涉及到“车辆异地年检”,即A市车辆在B市进行年检。这就需要到车辆注册地车辆管理所提出申请,提交上述材料后,车管所出具的汽车申请外地年检的证明就是汽车异地年审委托书。 The off-site annual inspection refers to that the car owner purchases the car in city a and settles in city a for licensing, but the vehicle is mostly used in city B, which results in off-site vehicles. Cars need to be inspected every few years. If it is very troublesome to drive back to city a for annual inspection, it involves "annual inspection of vehicles in different places", that is, annual inspection of vehicles in city a in city B. This requires an application to the vehicle management office in the vehicle registration place. After the above materials are submitted, the vehicle management office will issue the certificate of application for the annual inspection in other places, which is the power of attorney for the annual inspection in different places. |
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