代理记账的业务范围 |
添加时间:2022/11/17 16:19:21 浏览次数: |
代理记账主要做的内容: The main content of agency bookkeeping: 代理记账公司是帮着企业做账的,首先要取得企业的原始凭证(单据、发票等),然后根据原始凭证写记账凭证,登记账簿,月末出报表,次月15日之前到税务局申报纳税。现在都用财务软件来做账了,比手工轻松多了。 The agency bookkeeping company helps the enterprise to make accounts. First, it needs to obtain the original vouchers (documents, invoices, etc.) of the enterprise, then write the bookkeeping vouchers according to the original vouchers, register the account books, issue the statements at the end of the month, and report and pay taxes to the tax bureau before the 15th of the next month. Now we use financial software to do accounting, which is much easier than manual. 代理记账的业务范围: Business scope of agency bookkeeping: 1、代理各个税种锈钢铸件 保定建筑设计 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 保定室内设计培训 冲压机纳税申报,代理企业纳税情况自查及清算各种税款业务; 1. To act as an agent for tax declaration of various taxes, self-examination of tax payment of enterprises and settlement of various tax businesses; 2、代理企业整体税务安排、投资项目税收评估,代理制作涉税文书。 2. Act as an agent for the overall tax arrangement of the enterprise, the tax assessment of investment projects, and the production of tax related documents. 3、建立企业纳税核算体系用办税制度,为企业设计财务制度。 3. Establish a tax system for the enterprise tax accounting system, and design a financial system for the enterprise |
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