一般,代理记账机构会要求委托人提供以下材料 |
添加时间:2024/1/9 16:08:34 浏览次数: |
一般,代理记账机构会要求委托人提供以下材料(仅供参考): Generally, accounting agencies will require clients to provide the following materials (for reference only): 1.新接客户应提供公司的证件复印件(包括营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证、法人身份证等复印件)《现在三证合一》; 1. Newly recruited clients should provide copies of their company's documents (including copies of business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, legal person ID card, etc.) and the current three certificates in one; 2.现金单据(差旅费、业务招待费、员工工资表、办公费、房租费、通讯费、运输费等); 2. Cash receipts (travel expenses, business entertainment expenses, employee payroll, office expenses, rent, communication expenses, transportation expenses, etc.); 3.银行单据(提现、转账、贷记凭证、电汇、进账单、借款单、银行对账单等); 3. Bank documents (withdrawal, transfer, credit voucher, wire transfer, receipt, loan note, bank statement, etc.); 4.发票(1日---31日开具的所有发票记账联); 4. Invoices (accounting copies of all invoices issued from the 1st to the 31st); 5.公司员工的名字、性别、月工资额、身份证号码、代扣社保费、代缴个税,邮政编码。 5. Name, gender, monthly salary, ID card number, social security fee withheld, individual income tax paid and postal code of the company's employees. |
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